Kindle WiFi Review

Kindle wifi has some really strong features that make it the easy winner over nook wifi – 35% better screen contrast, extreme ease of use, more books and cheaper books, support for international languages, text to speech and accessibility, faster page turns, lower weight, and the ridiculously long battery life. it leaves every ereader priced below $170 far, far behind. Kindle wifi vs nook wifi ; kindle review – kindle 3 review, ipad review.

Kindle wifi are selling so well that eink/pvi has been forced to channel all its eink pearl production facilities to 6? screens. Again, a commenter at mobile read pointed this out and it’s quite probable. Definitely likelier than the dx 2 selling out. This becomes even likelier if you consider that nook 2 and sony 650 are probably going to need 6? eink pearl screens too. The yield rates for a screen like the dx 2 screen that is 2. 5 times the screen areaâ are generally much lower so pvi/eink probably feels it can make a lot more 6? eink pearl screens by channeling capacity from 9. 7? screens to 6? screens.  perhaps demand for 6? screens due to kindle 3, nook 2, and sony 650 is so high it’s forcingâ pvi to delay kindle dx 2 screen production. Note that nook 2 and sony 650 aren’t selling yet but if they are set to release in september pvi has to ship screens out for them right now.

Kindle wifi are selling briskly you have to imagine economies of scale have already kicked in or will momently . Amazon is likely to pass on the savings. Amazon doesn’t know what 2011 might bring – mini ipad, color screen ereaders, pixel qi tablets. The more kindles it can sell in 2010 the better. If  ebooks keep growing at their current rate they might trigger a destruction of traditional publishers. Amazon would benefit tremendously if this were to happen.  amazon may very well decide that getting more kindles into people’s hands and selling more ebooks is worth taking a loss on the kindle wifi. Logically a $100 or $110 kindle wifi makes sense if you think of a kindle as customer acquisition. Anyone who buys a kindle is a promising  lifetime amazon customer. My gut feeling is that amazon will get it done.

Recently, amazon released the newest version wi-fi only kindle device for usd 139 which is a big discount from kindle 3g+wifi version (usd 189) and kindle dx price at usd 379. The new kindle equipped with integrated wi-fi and allows readers to tweet and Face book status upgrades besides reading e-books. I especially  think that these are great features which might draw attention to social network users and boost the selling of kindle. Amazon wi-fi kindle price vs the nook (Barnes &Nobles). So, we know that price of amazon wireless only kindle is usd 139. Barnes & Nobles’s e-reader, the nook is USD 149, Sony e-reader device is USD150 and apple IPAD is around USD 499.

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