Articles for the Month of October 2010

Why is it good for Google CSS?

Skip to navigation technical level: Basic/beginner | Date: April 18, 2004 | Author: Nigel Peck

This article is based in part on a ledger ‘ website findability ‘ by Michael Heraghty.

Leaves of cascading stylesheets (CSS) are used to separate the stylistic elements of a page as design, color and fonts from the content of the page, such as paragraphs and images.We call this separation of content from presentation.

If you do not understand CSS at all, then decide not to use it for its sitio.Sin embargo, I would suggest that the advantages which can be obtained from the use of CSS, not only for Google, are well worth the time invested in aprenderlos.Para to get an introduction to CSS see CSS Is Easy by Kevin Yank or the many other articles of quality of the SitePoint CSS section.

So why CSS is good for Google?

CSS allows sizesCSS allows greater control over the structureCSS page allows you to hide certain content browsers while still gets picked up by Google smaller file

Taking styles in the HTML page and put it in a stylesheet (imported) independent file .CSS, can reduce the total amount of code in your web pages.Pages with less code have smaller file sizes and Google prefers pages with file sizes smaller (many other search engines do too).

While Google does not offer specific advice on this issue, search engine optimization community agreed that 100 KB is a good upper limit on page sizes.

CSS allows you to structure your document according to HTML standards without comprimising the look and feel of the page.

Google rewards pages that are well structured, though many designers choose to ignore the rules and guidelines as much as possible, because they believe (incorrectly) standards lead to pages insulsas.Mediante CSS, designers can create attractive pages with great talent, at the time that adheres to findability design principles identified in the book (Yes have to buy it for more!).

Using CSS you can hide the contents of certain browsers in certain situaciones.Por example might have some content you only want to appear in print, or can certain content to only display on screen and not in printed form (such as the navigation page) .the advantage is that Google indexed yet everything and still get the benefits that brings the content.

For an example of this technique, see my article random content rotation.

If you’re new to CSS, please note that different browsers still interpret CSS standards in different ways, while some older browsers (very) do not read the CSS at all. ensure your CSS is as compatible browsers as possible, and that acceptable HTML pages even without CSS.

There are many useful resources for those seeking to learn more about the effective use of CSS.Un useful starting point is or SitePoint (mentioned above).

Good books on CSS includes “Eric Meyer on CSS” by Eric Meyer and “Designing with Web standards” by Jeffrey Zeldman.

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